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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Bitches: Everyone Knows

Bitches. Everyone knows what I'm talking about. We've all dealt with a bitch at some point or another. She can be the pretty bitch that just uses people and her looks to gain what she wants, or the ugly bitch that gets pissed off simply because you're prettier than she is. How do you deal with bitches? I truly want to know. Wanna know my favorite bitches? Mall bitches. Thanks to the Whitest Kids You Know, I'm in love with bitches you see at the mall, simply because they give death glares just because you walk into the store they planned on walking into. :) They never fail to put a smile on my face. My least favorite bitch? The ones who are always throwing bitch fits, ranting and raving about how their life "sucks." I dislike them(hates too strong a word) because all they do is bring people down. Like honestly, just mellow out and go with the flow. Life is too short to be pissy all the time. Don't let bitches bring you down 'cause they're not worth recognition like that :) Anyways, I have to go brain storm better blog ideas and chug some green tea(caffinated of course!) 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sun Burn

So you know that song Sunburn  by Owl City? Well, I got sunburn. From trying to look super cute on the tennis court. It's like irony just decided to bite me on the ass. Cause as those fine looking men played tennis, I was getting burned. All over my face. It was kind of interesting, considering I've only ever gotten burned 2x. My friend's sunburn is all over her back. It's slightly repulsive. :) So, my 34 readers, I'm curious. What would you like to hear in my blog/rant? Because, quite frankly, this has been a pretty angry set of posts. But, I think angry rants have been my style. I feel as though it can get insanely boring after a while. I need to study for finals right now, so, PLEASE post a comment? Okay? Later!