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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sun Burn

So you know that song Sunburn  by Owl City? Well, I got sunburn. From trying to look super cute on the tennis court. It's like irony just decided to bite me on the ass. Cause as those fine looking men played tennis, I was getting burned. All over my face. It was kind of interesting, considering I've only ever gotten burned 2x. My friend's sunburn is all over her back. It's slightly repulsive. :) So, my 34 readers, I'm curious. What would you like to hear in my blog/rant? Because, quite frankly, this has been a pretty angry set of posts. But, I think angry rants have been my style. I feel as though it can get insanely boring after a while. I need to study for finals right now, so, PLEASE post a comment? Okay? Later!

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