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Saturday, August 13, 2011

From here on out...

Well, dear readers, from here on out, I'm going to be making my blog "A Series of Related Things." I'll be posting a story that I'm working on and each time you read a new post, you'll be following the life of Izzy Rivera. I'm going to finish chapter one by tomorrow evening and have it posted. Check it ;)
Pixi ♥

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My Eyes Burn.

My eyes burn with tears that I wish I could let loose. The thing is, I only cry to help me get what I want. I save the emotions for acting. Acting. That's my problem. I want to be an actress someday, and I know I can make it. The only thing holding me back? I don't have a ride to casting calls due to my mother's annoyance. I auditioned in Philly, and the people there were trying to send us to Florida to meet agents. I never got the scores back, and my mom was pissed. I understand that they didn't call back, but not everything in the world is a scam. I'm hurt beyond compare that she won't help me out. She took me to the one casting call that was a scam out of the many that I've been eligible for. In a sense, I feel betrayed, but I know I'm reacting like a child. It's like I'm throwing a hissy fit when I just want to take the opportunity to go places. When you've lived in various parts of the country, you get insanely bored of one place after eight years. I just want to take the initiative to take the first steps out of this state. I have no reason to cry, other than the fact that my dreams are slowly being shattered. I wasn't hurt by not getting a callback, but my mother was furious. Okay, one acting company never called back, so what? Prove that I'm done and get over the acting bug? Not until hell freezes over will that be possible. I'm going to just keep begging her to take me. Once I get my license, I'm going to drive to every single casting call. With or without my mother. My passion for acting is what's going to get me disowned. I know it. Damn, I sound like an under achieving Asian kid with the stereotypical Asian stereotype parents. Oh well.  I guess my eyes'll burn a little longer because I refuse to let anyone see me cry. Crying is for the week, and it lets people know that they hurt you. I'm never giving anyone that satisfaction again. No one deserves to be a jerk and get away with making someone cry. Friggin' teen angst can S my neighbor's D. Grrr.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

And He's Gone Again

"Who is he?" you may be wondering. "He" happens to be my father. You see, my dad is in the military, therefore, we move a lot. This time, he's going to a different state -by himself. He left my family for a year for work in Japan, and now the military is sending him away for schooling. It feels like a mix of emotions brawling in my brain. It's like, I'm proud that he's going, but mad that they're taking him, happy that he's going, but sad that he's leaving. Does that make sense? To me, it does, and maybe to other Military brats, too. It's a sacrifice he has to make to keep my family in one state. Maybe, I'm just bitter. I know he'll be okay, and I'll be able to see him every weekend, but it hurts ya know? Cause it's really not like he's got a choice. My father is truly an awesome person. For now, I'll just continue to feed my dog things that would drive my older brother crazy. Appreciate the fathers and father figures in your life, okay? 
Te amo! ♥
Ps. dogs help heal wounds.