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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Something a Little Happier...

So this is being posted cause my good ol' friend Lance Uppercut ( him. he's kind of awesome.) told me I was too depressing. I swear it's not my fault I'm depressing. I'm just slightly biased to the letting the dark side of things be exposed. SO today. I'm going to look at something brighter. The correct way to handle a break-up. Those of you reading this may be looking at the screen and thinking "What the hell is she talking about? How are break-ups happy?" Well, my dear readers, you have to handle it properly. As so:
Day 1: cry. All the time. And eat ice cream and watch bad romance movies in sweatpants. Share the misery, but don't bug your friends too much. They'll get pissed and forbid you from dating.
Day 2: anger. Be angry. Rant and rave and round house kick whoever even LOOKS at you the wrong way. It'll relieve your anger AND you can get a good laugh.
Day 3: Re-Cooperation. Get your act together you weirdo. Jeez, by now, people may think you're bipolar. Go out with your friends, flirt like crazy, and guh dummit, enjoy yourself! No one is worth your tears...unless the relationship has been going on for a decent amount of 6 months plus. That's an okay time to cry.
So this plan is super simple. 3 days, and you can recover. Though the anger stage may be extended to the maximum of 4 days. Hope no one ever has a break up that's bad enough to the point where they have to use this plan, just saying X)

P.S. Lance Uppercut, yellow car. Know that. YELLOW.CAR.


  1. I've commented on all of yours. You OWE ME. *suggestive winky face.*
    P.S. He sucks.

  2. I went and commented on all yours now too :D
