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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What Don't People Understand?

Racism and Intolerance. The aforementioned things are pointless.

Racism: discrimination. What's the point? "Oh, her skin is darker/lighter than mine. Therefore, she must be useless and stupid." or "He's the wrong religion. He's ignorant." What possesses people to say this? Since when does color of skin or your religion define who people are? It's so wrong to let racism get in the way of meeting so many great people! As a kid of the upcoming generation, I'm on a mission to prove to people that the artificial stuff doesn't always matter. I'm not gonna change everyone, but I'm sure as hell gonna try to make the impact.

Intolerance: unwillingness to respect differences. I'm pretty sure we all know what I'm talking about. When people decide it's okay to just rag on people because we're "different." I'm just as different as the next kid; however, you, me, that weirdo in your class that picks his nose and eats it too, and that snotty girl you just can NOT stand, we're all similar. We're all people, we all have emotions, we all want to feel needed and feel like we belong. But what happens when everyone around us puts us down non-stop? We hide who we are from the world. An individual is killed, and a clone is born. It's like a giant masquerade, and, at midnight, we get to remove our masks. But midnight is never coming. Heartless. That's what this is. It's not fair to anyone to have to hide who they are. Whether you're hiding religion, sexuality, who your family is, etc. etc., know that someone is going to accept you! You're a lovely individual with a lot to offer the world. 

Let your light shine people. Don't let anyone say anything to kill your joy. 
Til next time,