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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Bitches: Everyone Knows (Part two)

Alright, so here comes the topic again. BITCHES. Gawd, I hate them. I'm not the only one who hates, my post is written by my friend Broomer(he knows my buddy lance uppercut...) Is going to post his feelings about Bitches....
Broomer: Yeah, aight so here I go. Bitches are the things (yes I said things) that you hear at the mall, at school, at the pool, and everywhere else possible where you hear them bitch about their boyfriends, phones, cliques, or whatvever the hell comes to your mind (get creative). The way they talk is so fucking annoying, it makes you (well me to be specific) want to take a cow brander thing/red hot pocker, and shove it up my ass/through my ears (sometimes, at the same time). Sometimes, it's funny when they bitch 'cause they're bitchin' at someone else, and they'll be cheered on because they do such a fantabulous(Pixi: lawls! I got to help pick the word!) job. And sometimes, when they bitch at you, it's like the tables turn, and you feel like shit. For example: there was this girl I dated who thought she was better than everyone else, meaning, she can't be made fun of. Ex., if she says a racist thing to you, you can't retaliate with a sarcastic comment because she's overly sensitive about EVERYTHING. So, she dumped me because she thought that I was being a dick, when in reality, she's the biggest dick of them all. Bitch drove me insane, and I'm glad she dumped me. I've never spoken to her again since, thank God. But the worst bitches of them all iiiiiiisssssss: Preps. It's by preps, I mean the girls who strut around in Hollister shit and flaunt their Abercrombie and Bitch. (Sometimes, they have nice asses, but most of the time they bitch at you for looking when THEY chose the clothes. Fucking teases.) Usually, these girls have the highest pitched voices and try to look like Snooki. Maybe they've got the hangover attitudes and oompah loompah tans to prove it. (Pixi:...I love Snooki...cause she's short like me D: )That, and they'll do anything for senior dick. (Pixi: BTDUBBS, if a sophmore is asked to prom, it's usually because "the seniors want to get laid", as said by my favorite senior himself) Last, but not least, (Well, this is the good part of this little rant) there's the nice bitches. The people who bitch at other bitches. (Pixi: I'M THAT KINDA GIRL) IF you befriend these bitches, consider yourself lucky. They can get other bitches off your back in a matter of a few words they say. So, what have we learned today? Keep the good bitches around you, and the ignore the bad ones...or hit them with a pimp hand :) Lawls! From the infamous Broomer, soon to be his own blogging prodigy. PS. Hos are better than bitches, cause they just don't care.
Hasta la vista lovelies!
~Pixi and Broomer

1 comment:

  1. F Yeah, my first experience bloggin'. I be trollin' right now. I'll be goin' now.
