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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

ROAR. I've been used like a tissue

Decided that I'd start this post with my anger. "Pixi, what(besides friggin bitches), are you mad at today?" Well, dear reader, recently a little predicament has reared its ugly head into my life. 
Cast of today's rant:
Boyfriend: Drummer Boy
Girlfriend: Beach Girl
Blonde friend: Blondie

As of yesterday, two of my very close friends started officially going by "boyfriend and girlfriend." Nothing wrong with that. The problem is, I was being used for a good chunk of the time. I don't know if either of them see it like that, but, if you look at the situation from an outside point of view, I was. She'd always text me to hang out and would bring my loveable blonde friend with her. Turns out, she got all my boys (minus a couple of 'em), outside. But she's not the only guilty one. The boyfriend is the one who called and asked if I wanted to hang out. Thinking I was going to get my ass kicked in a hilarious round of COD, I said yes. Then mah blondie texted and said that she and Beach Girl were gonna head down. I was still insanely drowsy due to an insomniac rant from the night before. I wasn't sounding as enthusiastic as I really was cause I really genuinely love my friends, but they were coming so I was all smiles. So I blew off drummer boy for like an hour till my girls showed up, and then we headed out to find all the neighbors. For a while, it was fun. But you could feel that something just wasn't right. By the time beach girl and blondie had to leave, Drummer Boy coyly lured Beach Girl into his garage and asked her out. Of course she said yes. Now don't get me wrong, it's not the whole dating thing that bothers me. I knew that he was going to ask her, all the neighborhood kids did. What pisses me off is that I'm looking back at all the times that Beach Girl came over without blondie to hang out with me, was she really wanting to hang out with me? Or did she just like the prospect of possibly getting to see drummer boy? I feel used. I feel used like a friggin' tissue. The worst part? I'm not gonna tell either of them how I feel. No reason to rain on their parade. It's just, I feel hurt ya know? Like there's a reason to this hurt that I just can't seem to figure out. The kind that just makes you want to cry, but crying isn't my thing. I'm just trying to make sense of all the things swirling in my head. I wish I knew how to say this without sounding like the thing I hate the most: bitches. I know I'm acting like one in a sense, but, I guess, this is just too much too handle. A direct quote from the conversation I'm currently having with Lance Uppercut..."Because friggin' Beach Girl comes over to see Drummer boy. Like, really, I feel as though that's crossing a line. I understand that they like each other, but seriously. He could've asked her out when they had their date. NOT when they were hanging with friends, then tried to play coy." EVEN I KNOW I SOUND LIKE A BITCH. It's just...URGH. I hate this feeling. I'm happy for them, I truly am. I think I just feel used. Oh well, Lance Uppercut is doing a fantastic job of being a good guy friend and making me laugh :) At least I have realiable people. Anyways, thanks for reading. Comments aren't manditory, but much appreciated. 
Hasta la vista los bonitos chicos y las bonitas chicas ;)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well thanks bitch. Understand why I didn't want to say anything? Jenna and I aren't really close anymore. And HONESTLY, I'm TIRED of instigating conversations. It's always one sided nowadays. And as for back stabbing? I think I've done nothing. And what I meant by "reliable people" it's the people I can always talk to because I don't need to put my two sense into a relationship that was bound to happen anyways. Are you too God damn blind to see that I just needed to get these feelings out elsewhere? Because I don't need to bring others down. And you shouldn't tell me to cut the shit. Because honestly, I'm done. I have no desire to bring up past issues. I'm done with this. I've been done with this for a very long time. I don't speak up because I'm scared to speak up. Would you even have listened? So, my dear Kayla, please think wisely before you accuse me of my insecurities because as of this past 6 months, you know nothing about me. Oh by the way, you can keep Jenna.

  3. I'd post a reply, but I'm not the kind of person who can't do things face to face. But I will add one thing.
    Jenna is a human being. So stop treating her like she's not.

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